Jochen Kriegseis

Dr.-Ing. Jochen Kriegseis

  • Sprechstunden Strömungslehre:
    Im WS mitwoches, 11:30 - 13:00 Uhr
    Im SS mitwoches, 11:30 - 13:00 Uhr
    nur nach Vereinbarung im Sekretariat (E-Mail:


    Institut für Strömungsmechanik
    Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
    Kaiserstraße 10, Geb. 10.23
    76131 Karlsruhe
    Tel.: +49 721 608 42368
    Fax: +49 721 608 45147

Journal Publications

Investigating the Shortcomings of the Flow Convergence Method for Quantification of Mitral Regurgitation in a Pulsatile In-Vitro Environment and with Computational Fluid Dynamics
Leister, R.; Karl, R.; Stroh, L.; Mereles, D.; Eden, M.; Neff, L.; de Simone, R.; Romano, G.; Kriegseis, J.; Karck, M.; Lichtenstern, C.; Frey, N.; Frohnapfel, B.; Stroh, A.; Engelhardt, S.
2025. Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology. doi:10.1007/s13239-024-00763-w
Enhanced three-dimensional particle detection in microcirculation experiments with defocus particle tracking and ghost red blood cells
Coutinho, G.; Warlitz, P.; Silva-Santos, A. R.; Prazeres, D. M.; Moita, A.; Kriegseis, J.; Moreira, A.; Rossi, M.
2024. Experiments in Fluids, 65 (11), 160. doi:10.1007/s00348-024-03897-8
Correction to: Measurements in a Turbulent Channel Flow by Means of an LDV Profile Sensor
Pasch, S.; Leister, R.; Gatti, D.; Örlü, R.; Frohnapfel, B.; Kriegseis, J.
2024. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 113 (1), 215–216. doi:10.1007/s10494-024-00532-8
Measurements in a Turbulent Channel Flow by Means of an LDV Profile Sensor
Pasch, S.; Leister, R.; Gatti, D.; Örlü, R.; Frohnapfel, B.; Kriegseis, J.
2024. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 113 (1), 195–213. doi:10.1007/s10494-023-00469-4
Steady Bi-dimensional Crossflow Plasma Jets in Turbulent Channel Flows
Serpieri, J.; Hehner, M. T.; Kriegseis, J.
2024. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 113 (1), 177–193. doi:10.1007/s10494-023-00463-w
Determination of flow velocities using fiber-optic temperature measurements
Rautenberg, D.; Renner, T.; Trick, T.; Kriegseis, J.
2024. Experiments in Fluids, 65 (2), 22. doi:10.1007/s00348-023-03741-5
Air cleaner prototype: Reduction of airborne viruses and effects of UV-C irradiation on virus concentration and RNA copy numbers considering modeled residence times and doses
Schulz, J.; Lochte, V. N.; Blessing, S.; Stroh, A.; Kriegseis, J.; Kemper, N.; Limbach, M.; Hahn, H.
2024. Aerosol Science and Technology, 1–13. doi:10.1080/02786826.2024.2412633
On the interplay of body-force distributions and flow speed for dielectric-barrier discharge plasma actuators
Hehner, M. T.; Coutinho, G.; Santos Pereira, R. B.; Benard, N.; Kriegseis, J.
2023. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 56 (37), Art.-Nr.: 375205. doi:10.1088/1361-6463/acdade
Introducing a Multi-Modal Plasma Actuator for Turbulent Flow Actuation
Serpieri, J.; Hehner, M. T.; Pasch, S.; Gatti, D.; Kriegseis, J.
2023. AIAA Journal, 61 (8), 3707–3712. doi:10.2514/1.J062812
Deep Learning and Hybrid Approach for Particle Detection in Defocusing Particle Tracking Velocimetry
Sax, C.; Dreisbach, M.; Leister, R.; Kriegseis, J.
2023. Measurement Science and Technology, 34 (9), Art.Nr.: 095909. doi:10.1088/1361-6501/acd4b4
Defocusing PTV applied to an open wet clutch: from macro to micro
Leister, R.; Fuchs, T.; Kriegseis, J.
2023. Experiments in Fluids, 64 (5), 94. doi:10.1007/s00348-023-03623-w
Three-dimensional encoding of a gas–liquid interface by means of color-coded glare points
Dreisbach, M.; Blessing, S.; Brunn, A.; Michaux, F.; Stroh, A.; Kriegseis, J.
2023. Experiments in Fluids, 64 (3), 53. doi:10.1007/s00348-023-03592-0
Fluid-mechanical evaluation of different clutch geometries based on experimental and numerical investigations = Numerisch-experimentelle Analyse von Strömungs- topologien bei Nutmustervariationen an offenen nassen Lamellenkupplungen
Sax, C.; Stroh, A.; Leister, R.; Dreisbach, M.; Kriegseis, J.; Denda, C.; Bürk, P.
2023. Kupplungs- und Bremssysteme für mobile und stationäre Anwendungen : Auslegung - Systemverhalten - Lösungen, 109–124, VDI Verlag. doi:10.51202/9783181024140-109
Particle detection by means of neural networks and synthetic training data refinement in defocusing particle tracking velocimetry
Dreisbach, M.; Leister, R.; Probst, M.; Friederich, P.; Stroh, A.; Kriegseis, J.
2022. Measurement Science and Technology, 33 (12), Art.Nr. 124001. doi:10.1088/1361-6501/ac8a09
Laser-Optical Shear-Flow Analysis across the Annular Gap of a Simplified Displacement Compressor Model
Leister, R.; Brümmer, A.; Kriegseis, J.
2022. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 1267 (1), 012003. doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1267/1/012003
Active electrode isolation for advanced plasma actuators
Serpieri, J.; Hehner, M. T.; Kriegseis, J.
2022. Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, 343, Art.-Nr. 113675. doi:10.1016/j.sna.2022.113675
On the applicability of LDV profile-sensors for periodic open wet clutch flow scenarios
Leister, R.; Pasch, S.; Kriegseis, J.
2022. Experiments in Fluids, 63 (8), 134. doi:10.1007/s00348-022-03487-6
Flow Patterns of Self-Sustained Oscillations in Fluidic Diverters
Fromm, M.; Kim, J.; Seifert, A.; Kriegseis, J.; Grundmann, S.
2022. AIAA Journal, 60 (7), 4207–4214. doi:10.2514/1.J061280
Effects of actuation mode on plasma-induced spanwise flow oscillations
Hehner, M. T.; Gatti, D.; Kotsonis, M.; Kriegseis, J.
2022. Journal of physics / D, 55 (20), Article no: 205203. doi:10.1088/1361-6463/ac526b
Analysis of the spray-gas interaction of a single GDI jet by means of velocimetry-based pressure evaluation
Kling, N. H.; Opfer, L.; Frohnapfel, B.; Rogler, P.; Kriegseis, J.
2022. Atomization and Sprays, 32 (7), 23–33. doi:10.1615/AtomizSpr.2022042103
Ridge-type roughness: from turbulent channel flow to internal combustion engine
Deyn, L. H. von; Schmidt, M.; Örlü, R.; Stroh, A.; Kriegseis, J.; Böhm, B.; Frohnapfel, B.
2022. Experiments in Fluids, 63 (1), 18. doi:10.1007/s00348-021-03353-x
Flow-structure identification in a radially grooved open wet clutch by means of defocusing particle tracking velocimetry
Leister, R.; Fuchs, T.; Mattern, P.; Kriegseis, J.
2021. Experiments in fluids, 62 (2), Article: 29. doi:10.1007/s00348-020-03116-0
Analytical modeling and dimensionless characteristics of open wet clutches in consideration of gravity
Leister, R.; Najafi, A. F.; Kriegseis, J.; Frohnapfel, B.; Gatti, D.
2021. Forschung im Ingenieurwesen, 85, 849–857. doi:10.1007/s10010-021-00545-z
Reynolds-number scaling of a vorticity-Annihilating boundary layer
Kaiser, F.; Von Der Burg, M.; Sommeria, J.; Viboud, S.; Frohnapfel, B.; Gatti, D.; Rival, D. E.; Kriegseis, J.
2021. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 924, 2100600. doi:10.1017/jfm.2021.600
Delaying leading edge vortex detachment by plasma flow control at topologically critical locations
Kissing, J.; Stumpf, B.; Kriegseis, J.; Hussong, J.; Tropea, C.
2021. Physical Review Fluids, 6 (2), Art.-Nr.: 023101. doi:10.1103/PhysRevFluids.6.023101
Beat-Frequency-Operated Dielectric-Barrier Discharge Plasma Actuators for Virtual Wall Oscillations
Hehner, M. T.; Gatti, D.; Mattern, P.; Kotsonis, M.; Kriegseis, J.
2021. AIAA journal, 59 (2), 763–767. doi:10.2514/1.J059802
Leading edge vortex formation and detachment on a flat plate undergoing simultaneous pitching and plunging motion: Experimental and computational study
Kissing, J.; Wegt, S.; Jakirlic, S.; Kriegseis, J.; Hussong, J.; Tropea, C.
2020. International journal of heat and fluid flow, 86, Art.-Nr.: 108726. doi:10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2020.108726
Non-dimensional characteristics of open wet clutches for advanced drag torque and aeration predictions
Leister, R.; Najafi, A. F.; Gatti, D.; Kriegseis, J.; Frohnapfel, B.
2020. Tribology international, 152, 106442. doi:10.1016/j.triboint.2020.106442
Insights into leading edge vortex formation and detachment on a pitching and plunging flat plate
Kissing, J.; Kriegseis, J.; Li, Z.; Feng, L.; Hussong, J.; Tropea, C.
2020. Experiments in fluids, 61 (9), Art. Nr.: 208. doi:10.1007/s00348-020-03034-1
Dual-plane stereo-astigmatism: a novel method to determine the full velocity gradient tensor in planar domain
Kling, N. H.; Kriegseis, J.; Opfer, L.; Rogler, P.
2020. Measurement science and technology, 31 (8), 085202. doi:10.1088/1361-6501/ab7283
Replication of left ventricular haemodynamics with a simple planar mitral valve model
Daub, A.; Kriegseis, J.; Frohnapfel, B.
2020. Biomedical engineering, 65 (5), 595–603. doi:10.1515/bmt-2019-0175
The influence of edge undulation on vortex formation for low-aspect-ratio propulsors
Kaiser, F.; Kriegseis, J.; Rival, D. E.
2020. Journal of fluid mechanics, 883, Art. Nr.: A55. doi:10.1017/jfm.2019.908
Pressure evaluation of spray-induced flow in the framework of a statistical approach based on URANS and ensemble averaging
Kling, N.; Kriegseis, J.; Opfer, L.; Rogler, P.
2019. Measurement science and technology, 30 (8), 084004. doi:10.1088/1361-6501/ab12b7
On the stages of vortex decay in an impulsively stopped, rotating cylinder
Kaiser, F.; Frohnapfel, B.; Ostilla-Mónico, R.; Kriegseis, J.; Rival, D. E.; Gatti, D.
2019. Journal of fluid mechanics, 885, A6. doi:10.1017/jfm.2019.974
The instantaneous structure of secondary flows in turbulent boundary layers
Vanderwel, C.; Stroh, A.; Kriegseis, J.; Frohnapfel, B.; Ganapathisubramani, B.
2019. Journal of fluid mechanics, 862, 845–870. doi:10.1017/jfm.2018.955
Drop bouncing by micro-grooves
Fink, V.; Cai, X.; Stroh, A.; Bernard, R.; Kriegseis, J.; Frohnapfel, B.; Marschall, H.; Wörner, M.
2018. International journal of heat and fluid flow, 70, 271–278. doi:10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2018.02.014
Corner Separation Dynamics in a Linear Compressor Cascade
Zambonini, G.; Ottavy, X.; Kriegseis, J.
2017. Journal of fluids engineering, 139 (6), 061101. doi:10.1115/1.4035876
A plane-to-plane comparison of Common Averaged vs. POD patterns of Time-Resolved Stereo-PIV data within a pump
Mattern, P.; Gabi, M.; Kriegseis, J.
2017. European journal of mechanics / B, 61 (Part 2), 321–329. doi:10.1016/j.euromechflu.2016.09.011
Towards In-Flight Applications? A Review on Dielectric Barrier Discharge-Based Boundary-Layer Control
Kriegseis, J.; Simon, B.; Grundmann, S.
2016. Applied mechanics reviews, 68 (2), Art.Nr: 020802. doi:10.1115/1.4033570
Interrelation of phase-averaged volume force and capacitance of dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuators
Kuhnhenn, M.; Simon, B.; Maden, I.; Kriegseis, J.
2016. Journal of fluid mechanics, 809, R1. doi:10.1017/jfm.2016.679
Modelling the Plasma-actuator-related Turbulence Production in RANS Closures by Reference to Complementary Experimental Investigations
Maden, I.; Maduta, R.; Hofmann, J.; Jakirlić, S.; Kriegseis, J.; Tropea, C.; Grundmann, S.
2016. Flow, turbulence and combustion, 97 (4), 1047–1069. doi:10.1007/s10494-016-9779-5
Secondary vortices over surfaces with spanwise varying drag
Stroh, A.; Hasegawa, Y.; Kriegseis, J.; Frohnapfel, B.
2016. Journal of turbulence, 17 (12), 1142–1158. doi:10.1080/14685248.2016.1235277
Plasma-actuated Manipulation of Secondary Flow Towards Pressure Recovery Enhancement in a 3D Diffuser Modelled by an Eddy-resolving Second-moment Closure
Maden, I.; Maduta, R.; Kriegseis, J.; Jakirlic, S.; Grundmann, S.; Tropea, C.
2015. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 95 (2-3), 377–398. doi:10.1007/s10494-015-9641-1
Addendum to ‘velocity-information based force-term estimation of dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuators’
Kriegseis, J.; Maden, I.; Schwarz, C.; Tropea, C.; Grundmann, S.
2015. Journal of physics / D, 48 (32), Art.Nr. 329401. doi:10.1088/0022-3727/48/32/329401
Vortex force decomposition in the tip region of impulsively-started flat plates
Kriegseis, J.; Rival, D. E.
2014. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 756 (6), 758–770. doi:10.1017/jfm.2014.481
Competition between pressure effects and airflow influence for the performance of plasma actuators
Kriegseis, J.; Barckmann, K.; Frey, J.; Tropea, C.; Grundmann, S.
2014. Physics of Plasmas, 21 (5), Art.Nr. 053511. doi:10.1063/1.4880098
Characteristic length scales for vortex detachment on plunging profiles with varying leading-edge geometry
Rival, D. E.; Kriegseis, J.; Schaub, P.; Widmann, A.; Tropea, C.
2014. Experiments in Fluids, 55 (1), 1660. doi:10.1007/s00348-013-1660-x
Nichtinvasives, laseroptisches Messsystem zur hochaufgelösten Vermessung von Strömungsfeldern und Volumenkräften
Neumann, M.; Friedrich, C.; Kriegseis, J.; Grundmann, S.; Czarske, J.
2014. tm - Technisches Messen, 81 (4), 151–157. doi:10.1515/teme-2014-1024
Closed-loop performance control of DBD plasma actuators
Kriegseis, J.; Schröter, D.; Barckmann, K.; Duchmann, A.; Tropea, C.; Grundmann, S.
2013. AIAA Journal, 51 (4), 961 – 967. doi:10.2514/1.J052159
Determination of the phase-resolved volume force produced by a dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuator
Neumann, M.; Friedrich, C.; Czarske, J.; Kriegseis, J.; Grundmann, S.
2013. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 46 (4), 042001. doi:10.1088/0022-3727/46/4/042001
Velocity-information-based force-term estimation of dielectric-barrier discharge plasma actuators
Kriegseis, J.; Schwarz, C.; Tropea, C.; Grundmann, S.
2013. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 46 (5), 055202. doi:10.1088/0022-3727/46/5/055202
Experimental and computational study of the flow induced by a plasma actuator
Maden, I.; Maduta, R.; Kriegseis, J.; Jakirlić, S.; Schwarz, C.; Grundmann, S.; Tropea, C.
2013. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 41, 80–89. doi:10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2013.02.013
Rapid flow separation for transient inflow conditions versus accelerating bodies: An investigation into their equivalency
Wong, J. G.; Mohebbian, A.; Kriegseis, J.; Rival, D. E.
2013. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 40, 257–268. doi:10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2013.04.010
On the classification of dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuators: A comprehensive performance evaluation study
Kriegseis, J.; Duchmann, A.; Tropea, C.; Grundmann, S.
2013. Journal of Applied Physics, 114 (5), 053301. doi:10.1063/1.4817366
On the persistence of memory: do initial conditions impact vortex formation
Kriegseis, J.; Kinzel, M.; Rival, D. E.
2013. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 736, 91–106. doi:10.1017/jfm.2013.528
Airflow influence on the discharge performance of dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuators
Kriegseis, J.; Grundmann, S.; Tropea, C.
2012. Physics of Plasmas, 19 (7), 073509. doi:10.1063/1.4736995
On performance and efficiency of dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuators for flow control applications
Kriegseis, J.; Möller, B.; Grundmann, S.; Tropea, C.
2012. International Journal of Flow Control, 4 (3-4), 125–131. doi:10.1260/1756-8250.4.3-4.125
Online-characterization of dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuators for optimized efficiency of aerodynamical flow control applications
Kriegseis, J.; Schröter, D.; Grundmann, S.; Tropea, C.
2011. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 301 (1), 012020. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/301/1/012020
Capacitance and power consumption quantification of dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasma actuators
Kriegseis, J.; Möller, B.; Grundmann, S.; Tropea, C.
2011. Journal of Electrostatics, 69 (4), 302–312. doi:10.1016/j.elstat.2011.04.007

Conference Contributions

Towards DPTV and IPI across Curved Displacement-Compressor Surfaces: Impact of Astigmatism on Particle-Image Characteristics of Bubbles and Tracers
Lange, H.; Sax, C.; Brümmer, A.; Kriegseis, J.
2024, September 19. 1st European Fluid Dynamics Conference (EFDC1 2024), Aachen, Deutschland, 16.–20. September 2024
Astigmatism Quantification for Depth Localization of Bubbles and Tracers across Curved Surfaces
Lange, H.; Sax, C.; Brümmer, A.; Kriegseis, J.
2024, September. 12th International Conference on Screw Machines (ICSM2024 2024), Dortmund, Deutschland, 3.–5. September 2024
Physics-informed neural networks for the prediction of hidden fluid mechanics in droplet impingement
Dreisbach, M.; Kiyani, E.; Kriegseis, J.; Karniadakis, G.; Stroh, A.
2024, September. 1st European Fluid Dynamics Conference (EFDC1 2024), Aachen, Deutschland, 16.–20. September 2024
Jet Noise Line Sources Extraction From Particle Image Velocimetry Data Using Hilbert Proper Orthogonal Decomposition
Raiola, M.; Kriegseis, J.
2024. 30th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (2024), Rom, 4th-7th June 2024, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. doi:10.2514/6.2024-3084
Active Distributed Temperature Sensing to determine flow velocities in boreholes based on a cylinder in cross-flow approach
Rautenberg, D.; Kriegseis, J.
2024, April. EGU General Assembly (2024), Wien, Österreich, 14.–19. April 2024. doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu24-9310
Turbulent Channel Flow - A Measurement Technique Comparison
Leister, R.; Gatti, D.; Frohnapfel, B.; Kriegseis, J.
2024. E​uropean Drag Reduction a​nd Flow Control Meeting (ERCOFTAC – EDRFCM 24), 10th-13th September 2024
Defocusing PTV for the viscous wall region of a turbulent channel flow
Leister, R.; Pasch, S.; Kriegseis, J.
2024. 1st European Fluid Dynamics Conference 2024, Aachen, 16th-20th September 2024
Simulation of 3D Interferometric Particle Imaging Experiments for the Measurement of Multi-Phase Flows
Sax, C.; Kriegseis, J.
2023, September 28. 2. MathSEE Symposium (2023), Karlsruhe, Deutschland, 27.–29. September 2023
Blasengrößenbestimmung durch Interferometric Particle Imaging (IPI) in Vorwärts,- Seitwärts- und Rückstreuung
Sax, C.; Dreisbach, M.; Kriegseis, J.
2023, September. 30. Experimentelle Strömungsmechanik (2023), München, Deutschland, 5.–7. September 2023
Defocusing PTV in a turbulent channel flow - near-wall characteristics
Leister, R.; Pasch, S.; Kriegseis, J.
2023. ISPIV 2023, California State University (CSU)
Combined and simultaneous electro-optical diagnostics for oscillatory plasma discharges
Pasch, S.; Fridlender, T.; Hehner, M. T.; Benard, N.; Kriegseis, J.
2023. AIAA AVIATION 2023 Forum, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. doi:10.2514/6.2023-4027
Modal Decomposition of Wind-Tunnel Fluctuations
Fahland, G.; Elsner, F.; Weber, K.; Kauffmann, F.; Wickberg, M.; Achzehnter, D.; Kriegseis, J.
2023. AIAA AVIATION 2023 Forum, 12-16 June 2023, San Diego, CA and Online, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. doi:10.2514/6.2023-4368
Towards Interferometric Particle Imaging for Bubble-Size Estimation in Thin Annular Gap-Flows
Sax, C.; Leister, R.; Brümmer, A.; Kriegseis, J.
2023, April 4. 11th International Conference on Multiphase Flow (ICMF 2023), Kobe, Japan, 2.–7. April 2023
Laser-Optical Shear-Flow Analysis across the Annular Gap of a Simplified Displacement Compressor Model
Leister, R.; Sax, C.; Brümmer, A.; Kriegseis, J.
2022, September 7. International Conference on Screw Machines (2022), Dortmund, Deutschland, 7.–8. September 2022
Measurements in a turbulent channel flow by means of an LDV profile sensor
Pasch, S.; Gatti, D.; Leister, R.; Frohnapfel, B.; Kriegseis, J.
2022, September 6. European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting (EDRFCM 2022), Paris, Frankreich, 6.–9. September 2022
Determination of flow velocities using fiber-optic temperature measurements
Renner, T.; Lah, D.; Trick, T.; Kriegseis, J.
2022. Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on the Application of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics
Comparative accuracy study of LDV profile-sensor acquisition modes and particle diameters
Pasch, S.; Leister, R.; Egner, M.; Büttner, L.; Czarske, J.; Kriegseis, J.
2022. Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Application of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics 2022
Three-Dimensional Detection Of A Gas-Liquid Interface By Means Of Oblique Colored Light Sources
Dreisbach, M.; Blessing, S.; Michaux, F.; Brunn, A.; Stroh, A.; Kriegseis, J.
2022. Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Application of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisboa, P, July 11-14, 2022
Defocusing PTV applied to an open wet clutch – from macro to micro
Leister, R.; Fuchs, T.; Kriegseis, J.
2022. Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Application of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics 2022
Matched Wetting Behaviour of Material Pairings for Optical In-Situ Measurements in PEM Fuel Cells
Blessing, S.; Kippenberger, M.; Stroh, A.; Kriegseis, J.
2022. Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Momentum, Heat and Mass Transfer, Paper No. ICMFHT 110, Avestia Publishing. doi:10.11159/icmfht22.110
On the fabrication of durable dielectric-barrier discharge plasma actuators
Hehner, M. T.; Warlitz, P.; Pasch, S.; Blank, T.; Kriegseis, J.
2022. 9ᵀᴴEuropean Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences, Lille, 3rd - 8th July2022. doi:10.13009/EUCASS2022-4898
Wall-turbulence conditioning with steady crossflow-directed plasma jets
Serpieri, J.; Hehner, M. T.; Kriegseis, J.
2022. European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting (EDRFCM 2022), Paris, Frankreich, 6.–9. September 2022
Analytical modeling and dimensionless characteristics of open wet clutches in consideration of gravity
Leister, R.; Kriegseis, J.; Frohnapfel, B.; Gatti, D.; Najafi, A. F.
2021, November 24. VDI-Fachtagung Kupplungen und Kupplungssysteme in Antrieben (2021), Ettlingen, Deutschland, 24.–25. November 2021. doi:10.51202/9783181023822-129
Stereo-PIV-Messungen in der Querströmungsebene einer turbulenten Kanalströmung
Pasch, S.; Hehner, M. T.; Deyn, L. H. von; Serpieri, J.; Gatti, D.; Frohnapfel, B.; Kriegseis, J.
2021. Experimentelle Strömungsmechanik. Hrsg.: A. Fischer, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Laser-Anemometrie - German Association for Laser Anemometry GALA e.V
Riblets in the rough regime
Deyn, L. von; Hehner, M. T.; Serpieri, J.; Kriegseis, J.; Gatti, D.; Frohnapfel, B.
2021. ETMM13 conference proceedings
Towards turbulent drag reduction with plasma-based spanwise forcing – a comparison of actuation concepts
Hehner, M. T.; Kriegseis, J.; Benard, N.; Kotsonis, M.; Frohnapfel, B.; Gatti, D.
2021. 25th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM 2021), Online, 22.–27. August 2021
Hochaufgelöste, optische Geschwindigkeitsmessungen in einer radialgenuteten, offenen, nasslaufenden Lamellenkupplung
Leister, R.; Pasch, S.; Frohnapfel, B.; Kriegseis, J.; Mattern, P.; Fuchs, T.
2021. Kupplungen und Kupplungssysteme in Antrieben 2021 : Auslegung, Systemverhalten, Lösungen : VDI-Fachtagung : Ettlingen bei Karlsruhe, 24. und 25. November 2021, 313–318, VDI Verlag. doi:10.51202/9783181023822-313
Stereo PIV measurements of oscillatory plasma forcing in the cross-plane of a channel flow
Hehner, M. T.; Von Deyn, L. H.; Serpieri, J.; Pasch, S.; Reinheimer, T.; Gatti, D.; Frohnapfel, B.; Kriegseis, J.
2021. 14th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry, Illinois Institute of Technology (Illinois Tech). doi:10.18409/ispiv.v1i1.117
DPTV-based analysis of the flow-structure/wall-shear interplay in open wet clutches
Leister, R.; Kriegseis, J.
2021. 14th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry, Illinois Institute of Technology (Illinois Tech). doi:10.18409/ispiv.v1i1.178
Particle Detection by means of Machine Learning in Defocusing PTV
Dreisbach, M.; Leister, R.; Probst, M.; Friederich, P.; Stroh, A.; Kriegseis, J.
2021. 14th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry, Illinois Institute of Technology (Illinois Tech). doi:10.18409/ispiv.v1i1.182
Virtual wall oscillations forced by a DBD plasma actuator operating under beat frequency - a concept for turbulent drag reduction
Hehner, M. T.; Gatti, D.; Mattern, P.; Kotsonis, M.; Kriegseis, J.
2020. AIAA AVIATION 2020 FORUM, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. doi:10.2514/6.2020-2956
An assessment of the correlation-based particle identification (CPI) method in the framework of Dual-Plane Stereo-Astigmatism (DPSA)
Kling, N. H.; Kriegseis, J.; Haller, F.; Opfer, L.; Rogler, P.
2019. 13th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry (ISPIV 2019), München, 22-24 Juli 2019. doi:10.5445/IR/1000150133
Force estimates in turbulent vortex wakes of accelerating propulsors: The effects of edge undulation on vortex formation
Kaiser, F.; Galler, J.; Kriegseis, J.; Rival, D. E.
2019. 13th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry, July 22-24, 2019, Munich, Germany. Ed.: C. Kähler, 1357–1364, Institute of Fluid Mechanics and Aerodynamics
Application of a combined method for the investigation of turbomachinery noise sources: Beamforming and proper orthogonal decomposition
Fenyvesi, B.; Horváth, C.; Kriegseis, J.
2019. 25th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 20-23 May 2019, Delft, The Netherlands, Curran. doi:10.2514/6.2019-2637
Phase-resolved Body-force Determination of an AC-DBD Plasma Actuator in Laminar Flow
Hehner, M. T.; Coutinho, G.; Pereira, R.; Benard, N.; Kriegseis, J.
2019. 72nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics (2019), Seattle, WA, USA, 23.–26. November 2019
3D-LIF Experiments in an Open Wet Clutch by means of Defocusing PTV
Leister, R.; Kriegseis, J.
2019. 13th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry (ISPIV 2019), July 22-24, 2019, Munich, Germany
Plasma-induced oscillatory forces as a concept for small-scale turbulence control
Hehner, M. T.; Gatti, D.; Kriegseis, J.
2019. European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting (EDRFCM 2019), Bad Herrenalb, Deutschland, 26.–29. März 2019
Phase-resolved body-force estimation of AC-DBD plasma actuator at various airflow speeds
Hehner, M. T.; Coutinho, G.; Najam, S.; Pereira, R.; Kriegseis, J.
2019. 15th International Symposium on Fluid Control Measurement Mechanics and Flow Visualisation (FLUCOME 2019), Neapel, Italien, 26.–30. Mai 2019
Turbulent channel flows with secondary motions: a concerted DNS and experimental study
Deyn, L. von; Örlü, R.; Stroh, A.; Gatti, D.; Kriegseis, J.; Frohnapfel, B.
2019. 11th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP11), Southampton, UK, July 30 - August 2, 2019
A plane-to-plane comparison of common averaged vs. POD patterns of HS-SPIV data within a pump
Mattern, P.; Gabi, M.; Kriegseis, J.
2019. Open Archives of the 16th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery (ISROMAC), Honolulu, Hawaii, 10-15 April 2016
Plasma-actuated lift enhancement of a plunging airfoil: A computational study
Kütemeier, D.; Wegt, S.; Maden, I.; Kissing, J.; Maduta, R.; Kriegseis, J.; Jakirlić, S.; Tropea, C.
2019. Proceedings AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, 7-11 January 2019, San Diego, California, Art.-Nr. 0305, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc. doi:10.2514/6.2019-0305
Riblets in fully developed turbulent channel flow - An experimental campaign
Deyn, L. H. von; Coppini, L.; Hehner, M. T.; Kriegseis, J.; Gatti, D.; Forooghi, P.; Frohnapfel, B.
2019. European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting (EDRFCM 2019), Bad Herrenalb, Deutschland, 26.–29. März 2019
Analysis of spray induced flow of gasoline direct injection (GDI) nozzle by means of time-resolved Fluorescence-Particle Image Velocimetry
Kling, N. H.; Opfer, L.; Kriegseis, J.; Rogler, P.
2018. 14th Triennial International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Chicago, IL, July 22-26, 2018 (ICLASS 2018)
Pressure evaluation of spray induced flow by means of URANS and time-resolved Stereo Particle Image Velocimetry
Kling, N. H.; Opfer, L.; Kriegseis, J.; Rogler, P.
2018. 19th International Symposium on the Application of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics (LXLASER2018), Lisbon, P, July 16-17, 2018
An experimental investigation into Stokes-layer formation with oscillating dielectric barrier discharges
Hehner, M. T.; Kriegseis, J.
2018. 71st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics (2018), Atlanta, GA, USA, 18.–20. November 2018
Zeitaufgelöste PIV-Untersuchung wandnaher Oszillationen von Volumenkräften mit AC-DBD Plasmaaktuatoren = Investigation of near-wall volume-force oscillations by AC-DBD plasma actuators with time-resolved PIV
Hehner, M. T.; Banz, S.; Kriegseis, J.
2018. Experimentelle Strömungsmechanik : 26. Fachtagung, 4.-6. September 2018, Rostock / Herausgeber: S. Grundmann, B. Ruck, A. Leder, 11.1–11.8, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Laser-Anemometrie
Scaling of vorticity annihilation during leading-edge vortex formation
Kaiser, F.; Rival, D. E.; Kriegseis, J.
2018. QUBS – Conference on bio-propulsion of adaptive systems (2018), Kingston, Kanada, 23.–26. Juli 2018
Numerical simulation of drop impact and rebound phenomena on smooth and micro-structured hydrophobic surfaces
Stroh, A.; Fink, V.; Cai, X.; Bernard, R.; Kriegseis, J.; Frohnapfel, B.; Marschall, H.; Wörner, M.
2018. 5. bwHPC Symposium (2018), Freiburg im Breisgau, Deutschland, 24.–25. September 2018
Boundary Layer Characterization during Impulsive Spin-up and Spin-down Motions of High-Reynolds Number Rotating Flow
Burg, M. von der; Kaiser, F.; Gatti, D.; Schmidt, B.; Sommeria, J.; Viboud, S.; Rival, D. E.; Kriegseis, J.
2017. Experimentelle Strömungsmechanik : 25. Fachtagung, Karlsruhe, 5.-7. September 2017, Karlsruhe / Ed.: B. Ruck, 25, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Laser-Anemometrie GALA
Formation and Decay of Vorticity in Implusively Stopped Infinite Cylinders
Kaiser, F.; Gatti, D.; Frohnapfel, B.; Kriegseis, J.
2017. 16th European Turbulence Conference (ETC 2017), Stockholm, Schweden, 21.–24. August 2017
High Reynolds Number Measurements of Vorticity Generation and Annihilation with Rapidly Changing Boundary Conditions
Kaiser, F.; Burg, M. von der; Viboud, S.; Sommeria, 2., Joel; Rival, D. E.; Kriegseis, J.
2017. 12th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetery (ISPIV 2017), Busan, Südkorea, 19.–21. Juni 2017
Vorticity Propagation for Spin-up and Spin-down in a Rotating Tank
Kaiser, F.; Wahl, T.; Gatti, D.; Rival, D. E.; Kriegseis, J.
2016. 18th International Symposium on the Application of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, July, 4-7, 2016, 1–18, Instituto Superior Técnico
Sensitivity Analysis of a Three Plane Diode Type Mitral Valve Model
Daub, A.; Kriegseis, J.; Frohnapfel, B.
2016. 11th European Fluid Mechanics Conference EFMC, Seville, Spain, September 12-16, 2016
Left Ventricular Flow Field Evaluation - A Step Toward Generalization of Post-Processing Techniques
Daub, A.; Frohnapfel, B.; Kriegseis, J.
2016. 87th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), Braunschweig, Germany, 7-11 March 2016
Secondary vortices over spanwise heterogeneous roughness
Stroh, A.; Forooghi, P.; Kriegseis, J.; Frohnapfel, B.
2016. 24th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Montreal, Canada, August 21-26, 2016
On the thermal behavior of thermoplastic laminates during transfer - A novel wind-tunnel approach
Kugele, D.; Rausch, J.; Kriegseis, J.; Gündisch, K.; Kärger, L.; Henning, F.
2016. ECCM 2016 - Proceeding of the 17th European Conference on Composite Materials; Munich; Germany; 26 June 2016 through 30 June 2016, European Society for Composite Materials (ESCM)
Corner separation dynamics in a linear compressor cascade
Zambonini, G.; Ottavy, X.; Kriegseis, J.
2016. ASME Turbo Expo 2016: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/GT2016-56454
Effect of Different Diode Type Mitral Valve Models on Left Ventricular Flow Pattern
Slotosch, A.; Kriegseis, J.; Frohnapfel, B.
2015. BMES Annual Meeting, Tampa, Florida, USA, October 7–10, 2015
Wave-length-dependent rearrangement of secondary vortices over superhydrophobic surfaces with streamwise grooves
Stroh, A.; Hasegawa, Y.; Kriegseis, J.; Frohnapfel, B.
2015. 9th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP-9), The University of Melbourne, Australia, June 30 - July 3 (2015)
Hochfrequenz PIV-Messungen zur Bestimmung der phasengemittelten Volumenkraft von dielektrischen Barriereentladungs-Plasma-Aktuatoren
Kuhnhenn, M.; Simon, B.; Maden, I.; Kriegseis, J.; Grundmann, S.
2015. Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik : 23. Fachtagung, 8. - 10. September 2015, Dresden. Hrsg.: J. Czarske, 16.1–16.8, GALA
Kohärente Sekundärströmungsstrukturen in einem offenen turbulent durchströmten Kanal
Nawroth, G.; Kriegseis, J.; Mattern, P.; Vaas, M.; Frohnapfel, B.
2015. Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik : 23. Fachtagung, 8. - 10. September 2015, Dresden. Hrsg.: J. Czarske, 7.1–7.8, GALA
Wirbel im Herzen - Anwendung von Techniken zur Strömungscharakterisierung = Heart Flow Vortices - An Application of Flow Characterization Techniques
Slotosch, A.; Schlanderer, J.; Kaiser, F.; Kriegseis, J.
2014. Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik - 22. Fachtagung - Karlsruhe, Germany, 9. - 11. September 2014. Ed.: B. Ruck, 45, Dt. Ges. für Laser-Anemometrie GALA e.V
Performance Reduction of Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Actuators at Higher Mach Numbers
Kriegseis, J.; Grundmann, S.; Tropea, C.
2013. New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics VIII : Contributions to the 17th STAB/DGLR Symposium Berlin, Germany 2010, 209–217, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-35680-3_26


Fachzeitschriften und Büchern:

  1. Kuhnhenn, M., Simon, B., Maden, I. Kriegseis, J. (2016) "Interrelation of phase-averaged volume force and capacitance of DBD plasma actuators", J. Fluid Mech., vol. 809, no. R1, pp. 1-11, doi: 10.1017/jfm.2016.679

  2. Mattern, P., Gabi, M., Kriegseis, J. (2016) "A Plane-to-plane comparison of Common Averaged vs. POD Patterns of Time-Resolved Stereo-PIV Data within a pump", Eur. J. Mech. B-Fluid, , pp. 1-9, doi: 10.1016/j.euromechflu.2016.09.011

  3. Stroh, A., Hasegawa, Y, Kriegseis, J., Frohnapfel, B. (2016) "Secondary vortices over surfaces with spanwise varying drag", J. Turbul., vol. 17, no. 12, pp. 1142-1158, 10.1080/14685248.2016.1235277

  4. Maden, I., Maduta, R., Hofmann, J., Jakirlic, S., Kriegseis, J.; Tropea, C., Grundmann, S. (2016) "Modelling the plasma-actuator-related turbulence production in RANS closures by reference to complementary experimental investigations", Flow Turbul. Combust., vol. 97, no. 4, pp. 1047-1069, doi: 10.1007/s10494-016-9779-5

  5. Kriegseis, J., Simon, B., Grundmann, S. (2016) "Towards In-Flight Applications? A Review on Dielectric Barrier Discharge-Based Boundary-Layer Control", Appl. Mech. Rev., vol. 68, no. 2, 020802
    (41pp), doi: 10.1115/1.4033570

  6. Maden, I., Maduta, R., Kriegseis, J., Jakirlić, S., Grundmann, S. and Tropea, C. (2015) "Plasma-actuated manipulation of secondary flow towards pressure recovery enhancement in a 3D diffuser modeled by an instability-sensitized second-moment closure", Flow, Turbul. Combust., vol. 95, pp. 377-398, doi: 10.1007/s10494-015-9641-1

  7. Kriegseis, J., Maden, I., Schwarz, C., Tropea, C. and Grundmann, S. (2015) "Addendum to 'Velocity-information based force-term estimation of dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuators'", J. Phys.D: Appl. Phys., vol. 48, pp. 329401, doi: 10.1088/0022-3727/48/32/329401
  8. Kriegseis, J. and Rival, D.E. (2014) "Vortex force decomposition in the tip region of impulsively-started flat plates", J. Fluid Mech., vol. 756, pp. 758-770, doi: 10.1017/jfm.2014.481

  9. Kriegseis, J., Barckmann, K., Frey, J., Tropea, C. and Grundmann, S. (2014) "Competition between Pressure Effects and Airflow Influence for the Performance of Plasma Actuators", Phys. Plasmas, vol. 21, no. 5, 053511 (7pp),doi: 10.1063/1.4880098

  10. Fernando, J.N., Kriegseis, J. and Rival, D.E.(2014) "Modal analysis of confined square and rectangular cavity flows", Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow, vol. 47, pp. 123-134, doi: 10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2014.03.003

  11. Neumann, M., Friedrich, C., Kriegseis, J., Grundmann, S. and Czarske, J.(2014) "Nichtinvasives, laseroptisches Messsystem zur hochaufgelösten Vermessung von Strömungsfeldern und Volumenkräften", Tech. Mess., vol. 81, pp. 151-157, doi:10.1515/teme-2014-1024

  12. Rival, D., Kriegseis, J., Schaub, P., Widmann, A. and Tropea, C. (2014) "Characteristic Length Scales for Vortex Detachment on Plunging Profiles with Varying Leading-Edge Geometry", Exp. Fluids, vol. 55, 1660 (8pp), doi:10.1007/s00348-013-1660-x

  13. Kriegseis, J., Kinzel, M. and Rival, D.E. (2013) "On the persistence of memory: do initial conditions impact vortex formation?", J. Fluid Mech., vol. 736, pp. 91-106, doi: 10.1017/jfm.2013.528

  14. Wong, J., Kriegseis, J. and Rival, D.E. (2013) "An investigation into vortex growth and stabilization for two-dimensional plunging and flapping plates with varying sweep", J. Fluid Struct., vol. 43, pp. 231-243,

  15. Kriegseis, J., Duchmann, A., Tropea, C. and Grundmann, S. (2013) "On the Classification of Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Actuators: A Comprehensive Performance Evaluation Study", J. Appl. Phys., vol. 114, 053301 (9pp.),doi: 10.1063/1.4817366

  16. Wong, J., Mohebbian, A., Kriegseis, J. and Rival, D.E. (2013) "Rapid flow separation for transient inflow conditions versus accelerating bodies: An investigation into their equivalency", J. Fluid Struct., vol. 40, pp. 257-268,doi: 10.1016/j.jfluidstructs.2013.04.010

  17. Murphy, J.P., Kriegseis, J. and Lavoie, P. (2013) "Scaling of maximum velocity, body force and power consumption of dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuators via particle image velocimetry", J. Appl. Phys., vol. 113, 243301 (10pp.),doi: 10.1063/1.4811225

  18. Maden, I., Maduta, R., Kriegseis, J., Jakirlić, S., Schwarz, C., Grundmann, S. and Tropea, C. (2013) "Experimental and computational study of the flow induced by a plasma actuator", Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow, vol. 41, pp. 80-89,doi: 10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2013.02.01

  19. Kriegseis, J., Schwarz, C., Tropea, C. and Grundmann, S. (2013) “Velocity-information based force-term estimation of dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuators“, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., vol. 46, 055202 (13pp),doi: 10.1088/0022-3727/46/5/055202

  20. Neumann, M., Friedrich, C., Czarske, J., Kriegseis, J. and Grundmann, S. (2013) “Determination of the phase-resolved volume force produced by a dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuator “, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., vol. 46, 042001 (5pp),doi: 10.1088/0022-3727/46/4/042001

  21. Kriegseis, J., Schröter, D., Barckmann, K., Duchmann, A., Tropea, C. and Grundmann, S. (2013) “Closed-Loop Performance Control of DBD Plasma Actuators “, AIAA J., vol. 51, pp. 961 – 967, doi: 10.2514/1.J052159

  22. Kriegseis, J., Grundmann, S. and Tropea, C. (2013) “Performance Reduction of Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Actuators at Higher Mach Numbers”, New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics VIII, Dillmann, A. et al. (Eds.), Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, vol. 121, pp. 209 – 217, doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-35680-3_26

  23. Kriegseis, J., Möller, B., Grundmann, S. and Tropea, C. (2012) “On Performance and Efficiency of Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Actuators for Flow Control Applications”, Int. J. Flow Cont., vol. 4, 125 – 131,doi: 10.1260/1756-8250.4.3-4.125

  24. Kriegseis, J., Grundmann, S. and Tropea, C. (2012) “Airflow Influence on the Discharge Performance of Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Actuators”, Phys. Plasmas, vol. 19, no. 7, 073509 (9pp), doi: 10.1063/1.4736995

  25. Kriegseis, J. (2011) “Performance Characterization and Quantification of Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Actuators”, Dissertation Technische Universität Darmstadt (PhD thesis), Forschungsberichte Strömungslehre und Aerodynamik, vol. 26, Shaker, (201pp)

  26. Kriegseis, J., Möller, B., Grundmann, S. and Tropea, C. (2011) “Capacitance and power consumption quantification of dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasma actuators”, J. Electrostat., vol. 69, no. 4, pp. 302 – 312, doi: 10.1016/j.elstat.2011.04.007

  27. Kriegseis, J., Grundmann, S. and Tropea, C. (2011) “Power Consumption, Discharge Capacitance and Light Emission as Measures for Thrust Production of Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Actuators”, J. Appl. Phys., vol. 110, no. 1, 013305 (8pp), doi: 10.1063/1.3603030

  28. Kriegseis, J., Schröter, D., Grundmann, S. and Tropea, C. (2011) “Online-characterization of dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuators for optimized efficiency of aerodynamical flow control applications”, J. Phys.: Conf. Series, vol. 301, no.1, 012020 (4pp), doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/301/1/012020

  29. Kriegseis, J., Dehler, T., Gnirß, M. and Tropea, C. (2010) “Common-Base Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (CPOD) as a Means of Quantitative Data Comparison”, Meas. Sci. Technol., vol. 21, no. 8, 085403 (7pp), doi: 10.1088/0957-0233/21/8/085403

  30. Kriegseis, J., Dehler, T., Grundmann, S. and Tropea, C. (2010) “Flowfield-Characteristics Generated by DBD Plasma Actuators”, New Results in Numerical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics VII, Dillmann, A. et al. (Eds.), Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, vol. 112, pp. 233 – 240, doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-14243-7_29

  31. Duchmann, A., Reeh, A., Quadros, R., Kriegseis, J. and Tropea, C. (2010) "Linear Stability Analysis for Manipulated Boundary-Layer Flows using Plasma Actuators", Seventh IUTAM Symposium on Laminar-Turbulent Transition, Gladwell, G. M. L et al. (Eds.), Springer Netherlands, vol. 18, pp. 153 – 158, doi: 10.1007/978-90-481-3723-7_23



  1. Kriegseis*, J., Simon, B., Grundmann, S. (2016) "Towards In-Flight Applications? - Requirements on the Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) Plasma Actuator (PA)", 69th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Portland, OR, USA

  2. Kriegseis*, J., Mattern, P., Dues, M. (2016) "LDV-Profile-Sensor Measurements and Complementary Planar PIV Experiments for Gap-Flow Investigations", 24th Fachtagung über Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik, Cottbus, Germany

  3. Stroh*, A., Forooghi, P., Kriegseis, J. and Frohnapfel, B. (2016) "Secondary vortices over spanwise heterogeneous roughness", 24th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ICTAM 2016), Montreal, QC, Canada

  4. Kaiser*, F., Wahl, T., Gatti, D., Rival, D.E., Kriegseis, J. (2016) "Vorticity Propagation for Spin-up and Spin-down in a Rotating Tank", 18th International Symposium on the Application of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal

  5. Mattern*, P., Gabi, M., Kriegseis, J. (2016) "Combining multi-plane TR-SPIV measurements within a pump by assigning the rotation angle to POD coefficients", 18th International Symposium on the Application of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal

  6. Kriegseis*, J., Mattern, P., Dues, M. (2016) "Combined Planar PIV and LDV Profile-Sensor Measurements in a Rotor-Stator Disk Configuration",18th International Symposium on the Application of Laser and Imaging Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal

  7. Zambonini*, G., Ottavy, X., Kriegseis, J. "Corner Separation Dynamics in a Linear Compressor Cascade", 61st ASME Turbomachinery Technical Conference - Turbo Expo 2016, Seoul, South Korea

  8. Kugele*, D., Rausch, J., Kriegseis, J., Gündisch, K., Kärger, L., Henning, F. (2016) "On the Thermal Behavior of Thermoplastic Laminates During Transfer - A Novel Wind-Tunnel Approach", 17th European Conference on Composite Materials - ECCM17, Munich, Germany

  9. Mattern*, P., Gabi, M. and Kriegseis, J. (2016) "A Plane-to-plane comparison of Common Averaged vs. POD Patterns of HS-SPIV Data within a pump", 16th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery - ISROMAC2016, Honolulu, HI, USA

  10. Mattern*, P., Gabi, M. and Kriegseis, J. (2016) "Combining independent multi-plane time resolved PIV measurements using phase angle information", 1st International Symposium on Image based Metrology - ISIMet, Honolulu, HI, USA

  11. Kriegseis*, J., Simon, B. and Grundmann, S. (2016) "In-flight flow control with dielectric barrier discharges – A requirement profile of the controller", 87th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Braunschweig, Germany

  12. Daub*, A., Frohnapfel, B. and Kriegseis, J. (2016) "Left Ventricular Flow Field Evaluation - A Step Toward Generalization of Post-Processing Techniques", 87th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Braunschweig, Germany

  13. Mattern*, P., Kriegseis, J., Gabi, M. (2016) "PIV an Strömungsmaschinen: Status-quo und Perspektiven", 8th Kolloquium Fluidenergiemaschinen, Dortmund Germany

  14. Slotosch*, A., Kriegseis, J. and Frohnapfel, B. (2015) "Effect of Different Diode Type Mitral Valve Models on Left Ventricular Flow Pattern", Annual Meeting of the Biomedical Engineering Society - BMES2015, Tampa, FL, USA

  15. Maden*, I., Maduta, R., Kriegseis, J., Jakirlić, S., Grundmann, S. and Tropea, C. (2015) "On modelling the plasma–actuator-related turbulence production in RANS closure models", 8th International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

  16. Kriegseis*, J., Mattern, P., Nawroth, G., Vaas, M. and Frohnapfel, B. (2015) "Coherent Secondary Flow Patterns in Turbulent Open Duct Flow", 11th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry - PIV15, Santa Barbara, CA, USA

  17. Kuhnhenn, M., Simon, B., Maden, I., Kriegseis*, J. and Grundmann, S. (2015) "High frequency PIV-measurements to determine the phase averaged volume force of dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuators", 11th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry - PIV15, Santa Barbara, CA, USA

  18. Slotosch, A., Gollub, M., Kaiser*, F., Frohnapfel, B. and Kriegseis, J. (2015) "Lagrangian Coherent Structures in Unsteady Flow Fields – Required Resolution of the Field Information", 
    23rd Fachtagung über Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik, Dresden, Germany

  19. Kaiser*, F., Feldhusen, A., Roidl, B., Klaas, M and Kriegseis, J. (2015) "Lagrangian Characterization of Buffet-Induced Flow Separation – A Comparative Analysis of Tomographic-PIV and LES Data", 23rd Fachtagung über Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik, Dresden, Germany

  20. Kuhnhenn, M., Simon, B., Maden, I., Kriegseis*, J. and Grundmann, S. (2015) "Hochfrequenz PIV-Messungen zur Bestimmung der phasengemittelten Volumenkraft von dielektrischen Barriereentladungs-Plasma-Aktuatoren", 
    23rd Fachtagung über Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik, Dresden, Germany

  21. Nawroth, G., Kriegseis*, J., Mattern, P., Vaas, M. and Frohnapfel, B. "Kohärente Sekundärströmungsstrukturen in einem offenen, turbulent durchströmten Kanal",  23rd Fachtagung über Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik, Dresden, Germany

  22. Stroh, A., Hasegawa*, Y., Kriegseis, J. and Frohnapfel, B. (2015) "Wave-length-dependent rearrangement of secondary vortices over superhydrophobic surfaces with streamwise grooves", 9th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena (TSFP-9), Melbourne, Australia

  23. Albers, A., Denda*, C., Martin, P., Brezger, F., Holz, H.-C. and Kriegseis, J. (2015) "Potenziale zur Reduzierung von schleppmomentbedingten Verlusten durch neue Validierungs- und Entwicklungsmethoden", VDI-Fachtagung Kupplungen und Kupplungssysteme in Antrieben, Karlsruhe, Germany

  24. Mattern*, P., Kriegseis, J. and Gabi, M. (2015) "Flow Characteristics Beyond Time and Phase - A Modal Analysis of the Patterns in a Regenerative Pump", International Conference on Fan Noise, Technology and Numerical Methods - FAN2015, Lyon, France

  25. Kuhnhenn*, M., Simon, B., Maden, I., Grundmann, S. and Kriegseis, J. (2015) "Cause-Effect Relations between Discharge Capacitance and Volume Forces of DBD Plasma Actuators", European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting - EDRFCM 2015, Cambridge, UK

  26. Mattern*, P., Gabi, M. and Kriegseis, J. (2014) "Pattern Identification in a Regenerative Pump - A Combined PIV/POD approach", 22nd Biannual Symposium on Measuring Techniques in Turbomachinery, Lyon, France

  27. Slotosch*, A., Schlanderer, J., Kaiser, F. and Kriegseis, J. (2014) "Heart Flow Vortices - An Application of Flow Characterization Techniques", 22nd Fachtagung über Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik, Karlsruhe, Germany

  28. Mattern*, P., Elfner, M., Kriegseis, J. and Gabi, M. (2014) "Analysis of flow phenomena within the side channel of a regenerative pump by means of HS-SPIV and POD", 22nd Fachtagung über Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik, Karlsruhe, Germany

  29. Vaas*, M.O., Kriegseis, J. and Mohrlok, U. (2014) "The interaction between inflow and recirculating flow in mixing tanks", 22. Fachtagung über Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik, Karlsruhe, Germany

  30. Maden*, I., Barckmann, K., Kriegseis, J., Jakirlić, S. and Grundmann, S. (2014) "Evaluating Force Fields induced by a Plasma Actuator using the Reynolds-Averaged Navier Stokes Equation", 52nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA 2014-0326, National Harbor, MD, USA

  31. Rival*, D.E. and Kriegseis, J. (2013) "The Interplay of Acceleration and Vorticity Fields in the Tip Region of Massively-Separated Flows", 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Pittsburg, PA, USA

  32. Vaas*, M., Thompson, E. and Kriegseis, J. (2013) "Interaction of Inflow Jet and Flow Recirculation in Large Mixing Tanks", 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Pittsburg, PA, USA

  33. Kriegseis*, J. and Rival, D.E. (2013) “Vorticity Reorientation in the Near-Tip Region of Rapidly-Accelerating, Finite Aspect-Ratio Plates”, 10th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry, Delft, Netherlands

  34. Fernando*, J.N., Kriegseis, J. and Rival, D.E. (2013) "Vortex Formation in Confined Rectangular-Cavity Flows", 31st AIAA Applied Aerodynamics, AIAA 2013-3189, San Diego, CA, USA

  35. Kriegseis*, J., Kinzel, M. and Rival, D.E. (2013) “A Lagrangian Perspective on Vortex Formation for Unsteady Flat Plates”, 51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA 2013-0837, Dallas, TX, USA

  36. Kriegseis*, J., Grundmann, S. and Tropea, C. (2013) “Comprehensive Effectiveness and Efficiency Evaluation of Dielectric Barrier Discharge Plasma Actuators”, 51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA 2013-0898, Dallas, TX, USA

  37. Rival, D.E., Kriegseis, J., Schaub, P., Widmann, A. and Tropea*, C. (2013) “A criterion for vortex separation on unsteady aerodynamic profiles”, 51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA 2013-0836, Dallas, TX, USA

  38. Kriegseis*, J., Barckmann, K., Frey, J., Grundmann, S. and Tropea, C. (2013) “Simultaneous Investigation of Pressure Effects and Airflow Influence on DBD Plasma Actuators”, 51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA 2013-0756, Dallas, TX, USA

  39. Wong*, J., Kriegseis, J. and Rival, D.E. (2012) “The Influence of Spanwise Flow on Leading-Edge Vortex Growth”, 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, San Diego, CA, USA

  40. Kriegseis*, J., Kinzel, M. and Rival, D.E. (2012) “Reorientation of Vorticity on a Rapidly Accelerating Finite Aspect Ratio Plate”, 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, San Diego, CA, USA

  41. Wong, J., Kriegseis, J. and Rival*, D.E. (2012) “Understanding Rapid Flow Separation with Spanwise Variation”, 7th International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics & Applications (BBAA7), Shanghai, China

  42. Neumann*, M., Friedrich, C., Czarske, J., Kriegseis, J. and Grundmann, S. (2012) “Spatio-temporal velocity, acceleration and force measurements of a dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuator”, 16th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal

  43. Maden*, I., Maduta, R., Kriegseis, J., Jakirlić, S., Schwarz, C., Grundmann, S. and Tropea, C. (2012) "Computational Representation of the PIV-based Tabulated-Force Model of a Plasma-Actuator", 7th OpenFOAM Workshop, Darmstadt, Germany

  44. Kriegseis*, J., Schröter, D., Barckmann, K., Duchmann, A., Grundmann, S. and Tropea, C. (2012) “Closed-Loop Performance Control of DBD Plasma-Actuators”, 6th AIAA Flow Control Conference, AIAA 2012-2803, New Orleans, LA, USA

  45. Neumann*, M., Friedrich, C., Albrecht, T., Weier, T., Kriegseis, J., Grundmann, S. and Czarske, J. (2012) “Örtlich und zeitlich hoch aufgelöste Geschwindigkeits-, Beschleunigungs- und Kraftmessungen an Plasma- und Lorentzkraft-Aktuatoren“, Lasermethoden in der Strömungsmesstechnik, Rostock, Germany

  46. Maden*, I., Maduta, R., Kriegseis, J., Jakirlić, S., Schwarz, C., Grundmann, S. and Tropea, C. (2012) “Experimental and computational study of the flow induced by a plasma actuator”, 9th International ERCOFTAC Symosium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements, Thessaloniki, Greece

  47. Fernando*, J.N., Kriegseis, J., Rival, D.E. (2012) “On the separated region behind a confined backward-facing step”, 20th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, Canmore, Canada

  48. Maden, I., Kriegseis*, J., Maduta, R., Jakirlić, S., Schwarz, C., Grundmann, S. and Tropea, C. (2012) “Derivation of a Plasma-Actuator Model Utilizing Quiescent-Air PIV Data”, 20th Annual Conference of the CFD Society of Canada, Canmore, Canada

  49. Kriegseis*, J., Kurz, A., Duchmann, A., Grundmann, S. and Tropea, C. (2012) “Influence of Air Flow on the Performance of DBD Plasma Actuators”, 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA 2012-0406, Nashville, TN, USA

  50. Kriegseis*, J., Schwarz, C., Duchmann, A., Grundmann, S. and Tropea, C. (2012) “PIV-Based Estimation of DBD Plasma-Actuator Force Terms”, 50th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA 2012-0411, Nashville, TN, USA

  51. Schwarz*, C., Kriegseis, J., Grundmann, S. and Tropea, C. (2011) “Implizite Bestimmung der von Plasma-Aktuatoren erzeugten Volumenkraft“, 15th DGLR STAB Workshop, Göttingen, Germany

  52. Kriegseis*, J., Schröter, D., Grundmann, S. and Tropea, C. (2011) “Online-Characterization of Dielectric Barrier Discharges for Optimized Efficiency of Aerodynamical Flow Control Applications”, 13th International Conference on Electrostatics, Bangor, Wales

  53. Kriegseis, J., Möller, B., Grundmann*, S. and Tropea, C. (2011) “Light Emission, Discharge Capacitance and Thrust Production of DBD Plasma Actuators”, 49th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA 2011-0155, Orlando, FL, USA

  54. Kriegseis*, J., Grundmann, S. and Tropea, C. (2010) “Charakterisierung und Quantifizierung der Leistungsfähigkeit von DBD Plasma-Aktuatoren bei großen Strömungsgeschwindigkeiten“, 17th DGLR STAB Symposium, Berlin, Germany

  55. Kriegseis*, J., Möller, B., Barckmann, K., Grundmann, S. and Tropea, C. (2010) “Performance Quantification of DBD Plasma Actuators: Discharge Characteristics and High-Speed Impact”, European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting - EDRFCM 2010, Kyiv, Ukraine

  56. Barckmann*, K., Kriegseis, J., Grundmann, S. and Tropea, C. (2010) “Dielectric-Barrier Discharge Plasmas for Flow Control at Higher Mach Numbers”, 5th Flow Control Conference, AIAA 2010-4258, Chicago, IL, USA

  57. Kurz*, A., Güttler, A., Duchmann, A., Kriegseis, J., Grundmann, S. and Tropea, C. (2009) “Grenzschichtmanipulation mit Hilfe von Plasma-Aktuatoren“,14th DGLR STAB Workshop, Göttingen, Germany

  58. Duchmann*, A., Kriegseis, J., Grundmann, S. and Tropea, C. (2009) “Customizing DBD Actuators for Flow-Control Applications using PIV”, 8th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry, Melbourne, Australia

  59. Kriegseis*, J., Groß, S, Marschall, H. and Tropea, C. (2009) “Analytical Study of the Velocity in a Pressure Chamber at High Oscillatory Pressures”, 47th AIAA Aerospace Science Meeting, AIAA 2009-0928, Orlando, FL, USA

  60. Kriegseis*, J., Dehler, T., Pawlik, M. and Tropea, C. (2009) “Pattern-Identification Study of the Flow in Proximity of a Plasma Actuator”, 47th AIAA Aerospace Science Meeting, AIAA 2009-1001, Orlando, FL, USA

  61. Kriegseis*, J., Dehler, T. and Tropea, C. (2008) “Strömungsverhalten in nächster Umgebung eines Plasma-Aktuators“, 16th DGLR STAB Symposium, Aachen, Germany

  62. Kriegseis*, J., Grundmann, S. and Tropea, C. (2008) “Flow Field Behavior in Proximity of a Plasma Actuator”, European Drag Reduction and Flow Control Meeting - EDRFCM 2008, Ostritz - St. Marienthal, Germany

  63. Kriegseis*, J., Marschall, H. and Tropea, C. (2008) “Theoretical Analysis of Compressible Flows in Ducts and Chambers at High Oscillating Pressures”, 46th AIAA Aerospace Science Meeting and Exhibit, AIAA 2008-0788, Reno, NV, USA

  64. Kriegseis*, J., Grundmann, S., Quadros, R. and Tropea, C. (2007) “Bewegungsmuster im Nahfeld eines Plasma Aktuators bei ruhender Luft“,  13th DGLR STAB Workshop, Göttingen, Germany

  65. Grundmann*, S., Kriegseis, J. and Tropea, C. (2007) “Experimental Transition Delay using Plasma Actuators”, ERCOFTAC Workshop SIG-33, Kleinwalsertal, Austria